#KindTruckies @KindTruckies
Are you aware of a kind truckie?
Would appear many willing to share and bag poor performance, don't see to much good being talked about. #KindTruckies
Kind Truckies.com
Kind Truckies, are hard to find, well maybe not so, certainly harder to see and hear on the media, why is this so.... varying thoughts come to mind, maybe you as well,
so kind truckies is about the sunshine yellow happy Kind truckies that do there bit,
Kind truckies are cool truckies, and every kid likes cool people, be cool be a Kind truckie...
What do you say,?
Hear media regularly about trucks, not to many Kind truckie stories, so how about it, accept the challenge to be a Kind Truckie
Maybe we can arrange some, smiley stickers with thank you cheers cheers thank you on...all for being a kind truckie
Kind Truckie, you may have seen something, great job, tell us all about it, why you say they are a kind truckie, it's about lifting each other up. Women and Men together, all colours, sizes, shapes and personalities.
Spread the good news, #KindTruckies
Not after the trailer was dropped either, share the knowledge and doing so you are being a kind truckie.
What do you say... well here's a fact,
“It takes 43 muscles to frown, and only 17 muscles to smile.”
A view point that could be changed with,
Remember Be good to your mum!
Safe travels Cheers!